Maury Ely Distinguished Service Award
Duane Laska receives the 2016 Maury Ely award plaque from ISA President Jason Tomkins
Few awards in the sign industry are held in higher esteem than the Maury Ely Distinguished Service Award presented annually by the Illinois Sign Association to that individual who has distinguished him or herself for meaningful and meritorious contributions to both the association and the industry.
Maury Ely is almost singularly credited for developing various programs which propelled the National Electric Sign Association (NESA) to the federal legislative area, promoted a new and broader membership base and made NESA responsive to numerous member demands for greater education and information.
Upon his retirement for NESA, Maury accepted the less demanding but equally important role of furthering the development of the state sign association of Illinois, serving as its first professional Executive Director. His success is evidenced today by the continuing growth and activism of ISA.
It is only fitting that Maury Ely’s legacy to the sign industry is one that encourages and then rewards foresightedness, determination and achievement.
Past Maury Ely Award Recipients
2023 Craig Gray
2021 Jason Tomkins
2016 Duane Laska
2014 Brian Swingle
2011 Jack Gesell
2010 Jim Brusek
2007 Mike Dunn
2006 Sam Van Bruggen
2005 Harry Niese
2003 John (Jack) Hallman
2002 Paul Tylman
2001 Cheryl Grate
2000 Joe Phillips
1999 Jack Van Bruggen
1998 Terry Hopkins
1997 Rick Turnroth
1996 Randy Niese
1995 Larry Weitz
1994 Edward Hanna
1993 Don Harkins
1992 Bob Lemaire
1991 Jim Dimpfl
1990 Ralph Cilia
1989 George Blume
1988 Sam Vecchio
1987 Vic Laska
1986 Henry “Duke” Lambke
1985 John Mawhiney
1984 Clarence Spanjer
1983 Henry Spanjer
1982 Jack Bercier
1981 Sy Politinsky
1980 Eddie Larsen
1979 Paul Corrington